Gardening tasks for early to mid-March
You’ll want to finalize your garden plan the first week of March! Next, as soon as the weather permits, get out in the garden and turn over the soil while incorporating compost (I like using mushroom compost) and amendments (I use earthworm castings). To make sure that you can grow everything on this year's wishlist, get those last seeds growing indoors now! If you don’t grow from seed, it’s okay. There are many local nurseries that continue to add to their variety list; you don’t have to have a boring garden even if you don’t grow from seed. It may also be worthwhile to try something new—venture outside your usual with an unfamiliar vegetable; it could end up being one of your favorites.
Continue with successful indoor seeding (don’t forget to water, give plenty of light, use heat mats, sterile mediums … you know what I mean). By month-end, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, onions, Swiss chard, tomatoes and parsley as well as their herb and flower companions should already be growing inside. You can direct sow peas and beets this month (and much more, see post, Sow These Seeds Before Last Frost Date) when the soil is workable.. Also, you can plant seed potatoes! It’s time to get growing!