Onions –
includes red, Walla Walla, yellow, white

Harvesting onions –

  • Once onion tops turn yellow, gently bend the tops over horizontally

  • This stops the sap from flowing to the stems and diverts the plant’s energy into maturing the bulb

  • A day or so later, when the tops turn brown, the onions are ready to harvest

  • Mid-July – August

  • If possible, don’t harvest onions just after it’s rained, as the wet soil will make the onions harder to pull

  • Take care to uproot the plant without damaging the bulb

Storing onions –

  • Fresh Storage: Onions can be used fresh (uncured), but won’t store for longer than a couple weeks. Cured onions can be stored in a cool, dark, dry place for 4-12 months.

    Long-Term Storage (curing onions):

  • After harvesting, gently remove excess soil without washing the onions.

  • Allow the onions to dry in a well-ventilated area with good air circulation, preferably outdoors or in a shaded, dry location.

  • Spread them out in a single layer, avoiding direct sunlight, for 1-2 weeks until the outer skins are dry and papery.

  • Turn the onions occasionally to ensure even drying and inspect for any signs of spoilage.

  • Once fully cured, trim the roots and any remaining tops, then store in a cool, dry place with good air circulation.

Using raw and cooking with onions –

  1. Raw Onions in Salads: Slice or chop raw onions and toss them into salads for a sharp, crunchy flavor, complementing greens, tomatoes, and other vegetables.

  2. Onion Salsa: Combine finely chopped raw onions with tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice, and spices for a zesty salsa perfect for chips or as a topping for grilled meats.

  3. Caramelized Onions: Cook thinly sliced onions slowly over low heat with butter or oil until they turn golden brown and sweet, ideal for adding depth to dishes like burgers, pizzas, and pastas.

  4. Onion Rings: Dip onion rings in a batter of flour, milk, and spices, then fry or bake until crispy for a classic appetizer or side dish.

  5. Onion Soup: Sauté thinly sliced onions until caramelized, add beef broth and herbs, simmer, then serve topped with toasted bread and melted cheese for a comforting soup.