Strawberries –

(June bearing, ever bearing, alpine)

Harvesting –

  • Look for fully red, plump strawberries: Ripe strawberries will have a bright red color and a firm texture

  • If the stem is no longer green and the fruit easily separates from it, it is ready to be harvested.

  • Pick strawberries when the temperatures are cooler for better flavor and shelf life.

  • Late spring to early summer, typically from May to June (or sporadically all season for ever-bearing varieties)

  • Overripe strawberries become mushy, develop mold, and may attract pests.

  • Regularly check your plants to prevent overripening and ensure timely harvesting.

  • Use scissors or garden shears to snip the stem above the fruit, leaving a small portion attached.

  • Place the harvested strawberries gently in a shallow container, taking care not to crush them.

  • Avoid exposing the harvested strawberries to direct sunlight for long periods.

Storing strawberries –

  • Fresh Storage: Place berries in a breathable container lined with paper towels in the refrigerator for up to five days.

  • Long-Term Storage: Freeze the fruit in a single layer on a baking sheet. Transfer it to a freezer-safe container for up to six months.

Using strawberries –

  1. Strawberry Smoothie: Blend fresh strawberries with yogurt, milk, or a dairy-free alternative, along with a sweetener of your choice. This refreshing and nutritious smoothie is perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.

  2. Strawberry Salad: Combine sliced strawberries with mixed greens, toasted nuts, crumbled cheese (such as feta or goat cheese), and a light vinaigrette dressing. The strawberries add a burst of sweetness to the salad.

  3. Strawberry Sauce: Blend or puree strawberries with a bit of sugar or honey for a sweet sauce. Drizzle it over pancakes, waffles, ice cream, or desserts for a delightful finishing touch.

  4. Strawberry Shortcake: Layer fresh sliced strawberries onto sweet biscuits or sponge cake, then top with whipped cream or ice cream for a classic and delicious dessert.